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Now, where was I, oh yes, son1 had made his grand entrance into the world. We stayed in hospital just that night and were home by lunchtime the following day. They don't keep you in long, for my part I just wanted to bring him home (I was worried they might mix up the babies >.<)
I couldn't take my eyes of him, my heart was bursting with so much love and joy 
I even enjoyed the night feeds. Lol, well, you can with only one child and no work to go to. I remember the 5am feed, watching the sunrise and hearing the birds singing, it was so, so peaceful.
Hehe, that's the good, now the bad. I could not get up out of a chair because the birth displaced my coccix (tailbone), I was like a 70 yr old woman! And ohhhh, how those stitches stung when I went to the loo, brought tears to my eyes >.<
So many people wanted to come visit
Loads! and I felt I had to clean the house and have a beautifully presented baby and offer tea and cake. Lol, that lasted all of a couple of days, then I was just so tired I didn't care.
And did I mention the mastitis? Hmm, it hurts like hell. Apparently it's blocked milk ducts/infection. I had this after a month or so of breastfeeding and one breast became twice the size of the other >.< I tried everything to ease the pain, hot flannels, long soaks in the bath, even cabbage leaves. Do NOT do the cabbage leaves unless u want to smell like a compost heap, they do NOT work!
Son1 required a lot of attention. He had this innate ability of falling asleep in my arms while breastfeeding. I would gently place him in his moses basket and go to do some cleaning (ok, ok I mean have a cup of tea then
. About 10 mins later, without fail, son1 would start to cry. I would pick him up...silence, put him down...cry, pick up...silence....wait a minute! was this tiny baby playing me?
Well, I don't care what they say, I could not leave my beautiful son crying at so young an age, so yes, I cuddled him back to sleep and the pattern continued, hehe. Even then he wanted so much attention, some things never change. Later on, I realised that some babies/children do NEED more attention then others. The thing is to make it positive and not negative. Anyway, who wouldn't rather cuddle their baby then do the housework ^^?
For sure I would recommend that you enjoy your baby as much as possible. Your baby's needs help create that special bond between you that can never be broken. Nothing else is a priority. The housework can be done at any time. It doesn't hurt if meals are not ready on time or the ironing takes longer to do. What is important is you and your baby, that you are both happy and unstressed. Going for long walks is a pleasure, you get fresh air, exercise and lots of people admiring your baby, it makes you feel so proud and hell, why shouldn't you be proud ;-)
Oh, now where do I start……yes, at the beginning…..pregnancy!
For those of you currently pregnant, congratulations!
Savour these days, enjoy as much peace and relaxation as you can. Soon your days and nights will be occupied with someone wholly dependant upon you. Sound scary? It sure did to me. Turns out it’s not so bad after all *smiles*. Hell, I did it twice :-P Despite the usual pregnancy discomforts, yes, I had severe morning sickness (try not to go on a holiday that encompasses 3 flights, I was adept at securing all the sick bags in a 10 foot radius within 5 mins of boarding >.<); the tender heavy breasts as well (I remember carrying them down the stairs, so painful) and, haha, there always had to be a toilet within waddling distance in the last few months. But hey, with the bad comes the good. I had no migraines for nine months, well worth it, I’d say!
Oh the joys of pregnancy……and the woes, those size 10 jeans had to go to the back of the wardrobe along with the little summer dresses. A word to the wise ladies, get measured up and buy a good bra, if it’s the only concession you make, do it. You’ll be happy you did later on. *Looks down* Hmm, wish someone had given ME that advice.
I went along to antenatal classes, mostly to try and meet other pregnant women as my friends were all working and after the baby was born, I knew I would need adult company as I had no family around to help and advise me. Sadly, I didn't meet anyone I clicked with, but nonetheless I learnt how to breathe properly :-P
So, my pregnancy progressed and I enjoyed it. That incredible feeling when the baby moves within you and you see a little hand or foot push against your skin. I was in love with that child already. I sensed I was carrying a boy so agreed with my hubs that I would choose the boys name and he could choose a girls.
Work was great those last few months, people are so courteous, I think half of my ‘bump’ was coffee/tea/food filled as my colleagues really looked after me. Kept me fit running to the loo though :-P
I finished work 2 weeks before my due date, shopping time! Last minute preparations, the hospital overnight bag ect…I rested well, did as little as possible. I remember lying on the couch watching my bump kick oranges off my stomach.
Then, before I knew it, I was in hospital one evening and son1 was on his way. I had opted for a waterbirth but it wasn’t to be. So I rather ungracefully lay on a giant beanbag on the floor and grunted and groaned my way through. Gas and air, don’t you just love it!! Sure makes you forget how yr hair is sweat plastered against your head, those awful grunting noises you make and how yr nightwear is around yr waist and suddenly everything seems totally hilarious. But let's not to forget the pain. It truly is amazing, just when you think you can tolerate it no longer, it fades away. Only to return seconds later. It’s never totally unbearable though :-) That first look at son1 melted my heart. He was so perfect! I kept him within sight from that moment, even while I was being stitched back together. The nurse was great at making smalltalk whilst doing an A1 sewing job. However, all pain was forgotten, I was on a high and a new era had begun………